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Rosicrucian is the name of the Order and should be pronounced correctly. [pause] ROSICRUCIANISM is the name of the practice and the teachings. [pause] Rosicrucians are the members and they study in the Rosicrucian Order. [pause] AMORC is the ancient mystical order and AMORC is the international organization. [pause] Rose Croix is a symbol largely associated with the legendary Christian Rosenkreuz, a Christian Kabbalist and alchemist said to have been the founder of the Rosicrucian Order. [pause] Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis is the full spelled out name of the order, AMORC, Inc. [pause] Claudio Mazzucco was installed as the Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order in Rome Italy. [pause] Liber 777 is a qabalistic dictionary of ceremonial magic, oriental mysticism, comparative religion, and symbology. [pause] Liber 888 is the ancient book of Beddhism. [pause] VIBROTURGY: Meditations and Convocation with Experiment. All forms of matter are imbued with vibrations emitted by the living beings that come into contact with the. [pause] Chakras refer to energy centers or vortices in the body that correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs and are also associated with spiritual and psychological properties. [pause] OOOOMMM [pause] Frater are men in the AMORC Order, if you have a group of men in the Order they are called Fraters and and lower case is frater. [pause] Rosae Crucis translates to "Order of the Rose Cross". The Rose Cross is the symbol of the Rosicrucians, a brotherhood that claims to have esoteric wisdom passed down from ancient times. [pause] Fraternally [pause] METAPHYSICAL HEALING: This is a practice that addresses mental and thought patterns that may be causing illness. EXERCISE: Looking at your beliefs, culture, family, upbringing, language, physical symptoms, and dominant emotions. [pause] OM is a symbol representing a sacred sound, syllable, mantra, and an invocation in Hinduism. Sound out ohohohohohohohmmmmmmmm. [pause]